#StopRussianAggresion - support Ukraine!
Programming tutorials:
Goldmine - idle game (~200 lines)
Tunnel run game (~170 lines)
Tower game (84 lines)
Stick champ game (90 lines)
Optical illusion (18 lines)
Spinning squares - visual effect (25 lines)
Oldschool fire effect (20 lines)
Fireworks (60 lines)
Animated fractal (32 lines)
Physics engine for beginners
Physics engine - interactive sandbox
Physics engine - silly contraption
Starfield (21 lines)
Yin Yang with a twist (4 circles and 20 lines)
Tile map editor (70 lines)
Sine scroller (30 lines)
Interactive animated sprites
Image transition effect (16 lines)
Your first program in JavaScript: you need 5 minutes and a notepad
Fractals in Excel
Python in Blender 3d:
Domino effect (10 lines)
Wrecking ball effect (14 lines)
3d fractal in Blender Python
Royalty free game sprites