Stick champ game
Here's the code of our little game where our champ uses a stick to jump over stones (detailed explanation below):
<html> |
<body> |
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="600" height="500" style='position:absolute; left:0;'></canvas> |
<script> |
let canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); |
let context = canvas.getContext("2d"); |
context.font = 'bold 30px sans-serif'; |
context.lineWidth = 4; |
let image = new Image(); |
image.src = "sprite.png"; |
const maxStones = 6, size = 40; |
let angle = -Math.PI / 2; |
let x, y, frame, currentStone, mode, run, offset, stickLength, stones; |
function reset() { |
currentStone = 0; |
x = 100; |
y = 360; |
frame = 0; |
stones = []; |
stickLength = 0; |
offset = 0; |
run = 0; |
for (let i = 0; i < maxStones; i++) { |
stones[i] = { |
x: i * 300 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 80), |
width: 50 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 50) |
}; |
} |
stones[0].x = 80; |
mode = 'wait'; |
} |
function animate() { |
context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); |
context.fillText('Distance remaining: ' + (maxStones - currentStone - 1), 250, 100); |
stones.forEach((stone)=>{ |
context.fillRect(stone.x - offset, 398, stone.width, 600); |
} |
); |
context.drawImage(image, Math.floor(frame) * size, 0, size, size, x + size / 2, y, size, size); |
switch (mode) { |
case 'pointerdown': |
stickLength++; |
break; |
case 'stickFall': |
angle = angle + Math.PI / 64; |
if (angle >= 0) |
mode = 'run'; |
break; |
case 'run': |
offset++; |
run++; |
frame = frame + .5; |
if (frame == 20) |
frame = 0; |
if (stickLength == run) { |
mode = 'wait'; |
angle = -Math.PI / 2; |
stickLength = 0; |
run = 0; |
let gameOver = true; |
stones.forEach((stone,index)=>{ |
if (offset + x + size > stone.x && offset + x < stone.x + stone.width - size) { |
gameOver = false; |
currentStone = Math.max(currentStone, index); |
if (currentStone == maxStones - 1) { |
mode = 'gameOver'; |
frame = 21; |
} |
} |
} |
); |
if (gameOver) { |
mode = 'gameOver'; |
frame = 20; |
} |
} |
break; |
case 'gameOver': |
if (currentStone < maxStones - 1) { |
y++; |
context.fillText('Game over. Click to restart', 20, 60); |
} else |
context.fillText('You win! Click to restart', 20, 60); |
} |
let x2 = x + (stickLength - run) * Math.cos(angle); |
let y2 = y + (stickLength - run) * Math.sin(angle); |
context.beginPath(); |
context.moveTo(x + size - run, y + size); |
context.lineTo(x2 + size, y2 + size); |
context.stroke(); |
window.requestAnimationFrame(animate); |
} |
window.onpointerdown = function() { |
switch (mode) { |
case 'wait': |
mode = 'pointerdown'; |
break; |
case 'gameOver': |
mode = 'wait'; |
reset(); |
} |
}; |
window.onpointerup = function() { |
if (mode == 'pointerdown') |
mode = 'stickFall'; |
}; |
reset(); |
animate(); |
</script> |
</body> |
</html> |
Lines [1-8] set up the HTML5 Canvas and the 2d context
[9-10] invisible image that holds the spritesheet (20 frames of run sequence, 1 fall, 1 celebration):

[11-13] Declare game variables and constants:
[11] maximum number of stones (=distance to be covered), size of the sprite (40x40 pixels)
[12] initial angle of the stick - it goes straight up
[13] x - x coordinate of the champ
y - y coordinate of the top of the stick
frame - current animation frame
currentStone - how many stones have been reached
mode - game mode (wait/pointerdown/stickFall/gameOver)
run - the length of the current run
offset - the horizontal scroll offset of screen
stickLength - the current extension of the stick
stones - array of stone objects
[15-32] reset all variables to initial values
[24-29] randomize stone positions and widths
[34-96] main game loop:
[35] clear the frame
[36] show the remaining distance on the screen
[37-40] draw the stones (even if they don't fit on the screen - to keep things simple)
[42] draw the current animation frame of the sprite
If you need details about
how drawImage works, click here
[44-46] if the pointer (mouse/touch) is pressed, increase the stick length
[47-51] if the stick is falling, increase the angle.
[49-50] if it fell all the way down, change game mode to "run"
[52-80] if we're in the 'run' mode:
[53-54] increase the offset and the length of the run
[55] sprite frame changes every 2 animation frames
[56-57] if we reached the end of the animation sequence in the spritesheet, go back to the beginning
[58-62] if the length of the run equals the end of the stick, reset the stick length, angle, run and switch to 'wait' mode
[63-74] check if we landed on the stone:
[63] assume we landed on an empty space
[64-65] compare the champ coordinates with each stone
[66] if the champ landed on a stone, correct the pessimistic assumption from [63]
[67] calculate the currentStone
[68-71] if the last stone was reached, you win!
[75-78] if the champ landed on an empty space, switch mode to gameOver and show the falling pose
[81-87] in the 'gameOver' mode:
[82-84] if you lost, you fall
[85-86] if you won, you won.
[88-89] calculate the coords of the end of the stick
[90-93] draw the stick
[94] trigger the next animation frame
[97-107] if the screen is clicked/touched:
[98-101] if we were waiting, we switch to the 'pointerdown' mode
[102-105] if we were in the 'gameOver' mode, the game is restarted
[108-111] if the pointer is released and we were in the 'pointerdown' mode, we switch to the 'stickFall' mode
[112] initiate the game
[113] start the animation
Enjoy the game!
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